The mission of the MATDA is to promote closer cooperation and better understanding between the tire dealers of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma; to provide professional lobbying and governmental relations; to provide effective training and education to enhance members’ business acumen and help them better serve the consumer; to promote public understanding of the industry’s concern for the environment, and to provide such services and activities that are proper and necessary to achieve these mutual goals.
The Mid-America Tire Dealers Association was incorporated on July 30, 1990 with the independent tire dealers and their businesses in mind. With new regulations on the rise, it is imperative that tire dealers express their concerns in an organized manner to be effective. A professional organization can develop a systematic network of communication that can protect, educate and inform its members of trade specific concerns.
The goal of any viable trade association is to promote the image and progress of the industry that it represents. Members are the key to that effort. So if you feel it is important to have input on laws that will affect your business, then let your voice be heard and become an active member of the Mid-America Tire Dealers Association.
Represents your business interests at
the State Capitol. This can reduce the cost of
doing business by limiting or stopping adverse legislation.
Provides educational activities
throughout the year at various locations around the region. In today’s business world, the need to keep up with changes in the industry is all too familiar.
MATDA staff maintains close lines of
communication with state and federal
regulatory agencies. This helps members stay
in compliance, thus avoiding costly fines.
MATDA offers opportunities to interact with
fellow tire industry peers. Each year, the
annual convention brings members, exhibitors, industry experts, and special guests together.
MATDA staff is always available to help with
questions related specifically to your business. If the staff doesn’t know the answer, they’ll find someone who does, and relay the information to you.
MATDA offers special services available
only to members. There are many benefits and
savings to be derived from group participation:
insurance programs, cost saving business
forms, merchant processing and more.